Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Introducing Ossetra caviar

A Closer Look at Ossetra Caviar

They say that caviar is an acquired taste, but in Russia, it is a beloved and treasured food item. Russians have a passion for caviar and in many homes, there is usually a jar in the refrigerator. If anyone is hankering for a snack, Russians spread caviar on buttered bread and eat it with relish. The enthusiasm for caviar is also partly due to the belief amongst Russians that the salty delight that tastes of the sea has numerous health benefits. Beluga caviar may be expensive in Russia, although relatively more affordable than its price tag in Western countries, where it is exported, but people do not hesitate to serve it to their guest or partake of it during special occasions when the whole family sits together to celebrate.

Introducing Ossetra caviar

There are different types of Russian Caviar, one of which is Ossetra or Oscietra caviar. When caviar experts are asked to describe Ossetra caviar to differentiate it from the other three types of native Russian sturgeon, they usually describe the texture as clean and fresh. The taste of Ossetra is often described as nutty at the start with a creamy finish. Ossetra caviar has a wide natural color

range. There are dark brown fish roe while others are grey in appearance. Some Ossetra sturgeon fish eggs are golden in color.
There is a range of quality wherein Ossetra caviar (also known as Asetra caviar) is measured against and at the top level is Imperial Ossetra. The name itself suggests superiority and rightly so. The highest-grade Imperial Ossetra come from the Caspian Sea and only 10% of the sturgeon that swim there produce this type of caviar.

Imperial Ossetra

Imperial Ossetra caviar is taken only from handpicked sturgeon of the species Acipenser persicus. These sturgeons are large and can weigh as much as 400 pounds. The fish that are caught for harvesting are old—usually eighty years of age. The eggs of Imperial Ossetra sturgeon are larger than usual in size. Another important feature of Imperia Ossetra is its texture. The large eggs are firm, yet the tongue is presented with a delicate texture.

Those who savior caviar and prefer the Ossetra do so because of the combination of nutty and butter taste. Nevertheless, connoisseurs report that it tastes slightly different each time they take a mouthful. Perhaps the depth and range of flavors offered by the Ossetra is one of the reasons why it is sought by hundreds of caviar lovers from all over the world. Ossetra sturgeons are bottom feedersand the diet of the fishes also contributes to the flavor of the eggs. Their diet will vary depending on the location, weather, time of year, and other factors.

Caviar starts out as fish roe harvested from female sturgeon. However, with the right amount of salt the eggs are transformed into something more—a garnish that tickles the palate and leaves an unforgettable taste. These luxurious products are packed in tins, which are lined with lacquer and shipped, to customers for consumption or further processing. 

p.s : sponsored post

1 comment:

  1. I know these are so damn expensive but I hate fish so eating this wud be like yuck.. Lol
    nice and informative post!!
