Saturday, November 22, 2014

Top 10 Home Remedies for Hair !!

Guest post

Healthy hair is the most important symbol of any woman’s  beauty. Women  always want to get healthy long hair but most of them struggle a lot to achieve their desired hair. They try lots of chemicals to overcome their hair problems and get instant results. But there is nothing like instant results. Hair care is a continuous process which needs proper attention on a regular basis, and chemicals may not be a women’s best friend for obvious reasons. Believe it or not, but home remedies may turn out to be the best solution for any and every woman’s hair problems.



                                                         Image source : Pinterest

Listed below are the top 10 home remedies for hair:

  •  Apply the paste of raw egg on your damp scalp and wash your hair with warm water after 30 minutes. Repeat this process every week and you will be more likely to get thicker and smooth hair after 4 months. Egg is a great source of protein, and your hair are made up of protein, so imagine how much benefit you can get with this simple tip.
  • Olive oil is great for softening your hair. Massage olive oil gently onto your scalp and leave it overnight. Wash your hair with warm water when you wake up the next morning. By repeating this tip for 2 to 3 months you can get your hair to become soft and smooth as if they are made of silk.
  •  Onion juice helps a great deal in reducing hair loss. This is because onion juice has sulphur in it which is an essential component in preventing hair fall. Apply it on your damp scalp and leave it for 30 minutes and then wash your hair with a mild shampoo. This remedy will greatly reduce hair fall and result in thickening of your hair.
  •  Aloe Vera juice is great for hair growth. Drink 1 – 2 tablespoon of Aloe Vera juice daily for better hair growth.
  • Apply apple cider vinegar on your damp scalp and wash after half an hour. It will maintain the PH balance of your hair resulting in increase in hair growth.
  • Potato juice is a secret weapon for hair growth. Their ingredient has vitamin A, B and C, which are helpful for getting healthy hair. Apply it on your damp scalp and wash your hair after 30 minutes. This remedy will greatly help with your hair growth.
  • Cayanne pepper helps in preventing hair thinning. Mix 2 table spoon of it with olive oil and apply the mixture gently on your damp scalp. Rinse with warm water and get desired results.
  • For dry hair, massage coconut oil onto your scalp thrice a week and get soft silky hair.
  • Drink lot of green tea each day as it has antioxidants which help in reduction of hair fall and boost hair volume.
  • Garlic is famous for regeneration of new hair and hair growth. Boil it with olive oil and apply onto your scalp and wash your hair after some time. This remedy will single hand dly get you your dream hair.


Till next time ciao..


  1. great tips. was definitely looking for some hair tips, especially for hair growth and thickness

  2. WHat a helpful post :) tfs

    Do check my new post:


  3. Hi Preethi,

    These are really helpful tips. Thankfully I don't have much hair problems. Just a mild hair fall which is now much controlled. But yes I make sure to oil my hair often to keep them in good condition.

    1. Hey fatima..Thanks alot for your lovely comment. and visiting my blog.keep in touch...

  4. Hey thanks for your lovely comment..i love ur blog and following too..stay in touch

  5. Awesome post...lovely..
    I apply Olive oil every week ...

  6. loved the tips.. thanks for sharing love.. <3
